Alive and Thriving!
“I knew illness because I knew wellness.
I knew hate because I know love and joy.
I now choose well-being in all of my life.” NP, 2017
Welcome to Living Co-creatively. All parts of Nature co-create; nothing exists separately. Co-creation is how many believe how all life manifests. I am here to assist YOU, based on my doctoral work in Transformative Learning and Change, scientifically and psychologically valid ways towards learning to be your own well-being and creative advocate in almost any area of your life. I am here to inspire you as according to the quantum reality you have unlimited intelligence. With practice, YOU are a genius. You can learn via co-creation how to have a longer, healthier, more satisfying life. I predict you will find the “work” fun and comforting.
I have been told I “teach difficult things well” and that I am a sensitive multi-culturalist. Irish and Italian I am. (Fact: Nature requires diversity to thrive.) I am also very passionate regarding social justice and try to give more than you expect, ways to work with your well-being that are cheap or even free. We will work by phone, Zoom or face to face if you live in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area of NM.
You may be amazed at the power you have to align with what your dreams. Isn’t it time you reclaim your OWN authority and create the life you want?
What You Will Discover Here
Above all, I practice quantum co-operative and co-creative processes. I have experienced immense challenges and enormous transformation in my own life and I offer my lived experience to you in all areas of your interest. So if you have interest, I offer you your own lab coat, monk’s robe or spa bathrobe as we co-inquire and co-create. While my recent research, studies, practices and personal healing, focused on genetics, nutrition, supplements and non-toxic products, I now have experienced and moved into epigenetics, the field that teaches that disease is both nature and nurture and that our well-being is damaged, as mine was, by the environment. Learning from our bodies, minds, and spirits how to heal are greatly assisted, by feeling nurtured, recognizing our true nature and our power to change. This I now call esoteric epigenetics and Native Wisdom when we live in harmony. We can heal on a cellular level, experiencing well-being and immensity creativity. I have had immense results (published a book for one) and there is much I will share with you here and is freely given.
General Layout and Intentions
Products. I will have categories so you may find issues relevant in many areas covered by one post. If any products you read about are of interest and you click on them on this site, and then buy whatever you decide, I will get a commission as this is an affiliate site and I appreciate you buying here. New items added as I find the quality, mostly “green” I want for us all. For Amazon, if you enter via this blog I earn a little no matter what you purchase. Services are consultations, as often as you like, worldwide. As mentioned, I use phone, Zoom, and face to face if near Rio Rancho NM. My doctoral work is in Transformative Learning and Change and I assure you I know transformation from the inside out. I have experienced and healed issues many have never had to face.
Information & Practice, Leading Edge, Lots of It
A great deal for free via your reading or by fee for rapid assisted personal development. I have practitioner resources domestically and internationally to offer you. I have just published my first book, Who’s in Charge of My Life? A program to teach young people the joy of learning. Share it with your child or group; only 58 pages and a fun read; full of resources.
You will find pages on foundational theories and practices I use in my practice including:
Stress & Anxiety Management and Somatics (including yoga)
Co-operative Inquiry
Quantum Theory
Genetics and Epigenetics (Holistic Health and Well-being)
These are all fields I have studied within formally or informally that will provide you with skills. I graduated summa cum laude in horticulture and have long had a deep commitment to living a non-toxic, environmentally sensitive life, co-created by many you will meet including philosophers, practitioners, products, and practices, to help us all living on the leading edge of consciousness and wellness.
Times may feel challenging, yet here on the leading edge, we are co-creating at an amazing pace. Join us. Together we heal and together we learn and transform, always becoming more. We exist in a truly magical and divine universe.
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From Einstein (and many others): “…matter is made out of energy.”
You can do 9 easy experiments on how thoughts become things here:
Pam Grout, X2, page 3